Today we are going to talk about our safety rule of always staying with our Grown-up in charge or a buddy.
Who is the Grown-Up in charge? This is the Grown-Up who is with us when we do different things. So if we go to the park with our mommy, our Grown-Up is our __________ (let the students say “mommy”) if we are in school, our Grown-Up is ______________(insert your name here, Morah, Rebbe, etc.). A Grown-Up in charge may be someone that is also on your Safety Star chart but, it’s not always that person. For example, if your mommy takes you to the park she is your Grown-Up in charge and maybe someone you have on your Safety Star. But if the person who takes you to the park is your older sister, she may not be someone that you have on your Safety Star chart, but she is the grown-up in charge at the park and your buddy for the day. It is always important to stay close to our Grown-up in charge or a buddy and not wander away.
Our Grown-Up in charge and our Buddies will not only help keep us safe, by making sure we make safe choices but will help us in case we fall, or get hurt, and need help.